Career Opportunities

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Join the Hunt

Huntress is committed to creating a work environment that attracts the best and brightest minds in the industry.

We give team members the tools and resources needed to grow their careers, and we’re truly passionate about the work we do every single day—whether we’re chasing down hackers, working with our partners, launching new services, or building educational content.

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Startup Vibes & Rapid Growth

In the world of cybersecurity, things move quickly—and our team is actively growing to ensure we can meet the needs of our partners and their customers. We’re fast, precise, and we excitedly roll up our sleeves to solve complex problems. We work just as hard to build technology as we do to break out of escape rooms.

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“The company of Huntress as a whole is a team. While we are all in our own departments, we all work well together like a team should. Everyone is there to help each other or at least they can help point you in the right direction.”

Cat Contillo,

Security Operations Analyst Team Lead

“The company of Huntress as a whole is a team. While we are all in our own departments, we all work well together like a team should. Everyone is there to help each other or at least they can help point you in the right direction.”

Cat Contillo,

Security Operations Analyst Team Lead

“The company of Huntress as a whole is a team. While we are all in our own departments, we all work well together like a team should. Everyone is there to help each other or at least they can help point you in the right direction.”

Cat Contillo,

Security Operations Analyst Team Lead

Chasing Hackers Globally

Being fully remote allows us to hire top talent anywhere in the world. Our growing team is strategically placed throughout North America, the UK and Australia—and we're excited to continue expanding.

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We're constantly growing and expanding—check out our open roles and join the hunt!